Dr. Dave
Dr. Dave Jenkins, DMin, LMFT is a marriage and family therapist in the Northern Virginia area; retired US Army counselor/medic. He's the founder of Fredericksburg Relationship Center. He's been married to the same woman for more than 30 years and has four children, a daughter-in-law and son-in-law.
- Marriage Seminar 2009 (Audio Only)
This audio is a copy of Dr. Jenkins' marriage seminar presented to the Bonner Spring's...
Free - Deal With Grief Like the Movie, “Collateral Beauty”
Learn how to deal with grief Losing a child rips a hole in your soul. ...
Free - What’s the Next Steps of a Relationship
Watch this video of Dr. Jenkins presenting to a government audience in 2017.
Free - The Relationship Life Cycle
This course is FREE with a membership What stage is your relationship stuck on? Don’t...
Free - Too Good To Leave, Too Bad To Stay
Every choice you make comes with a price. Even the choice of avoidance has a...
$49.00 - How Iron Sharpens Iron; Men’s Conference
Dr. Dave discusses positive masculinity at a men's conference.
Free - Protect Your Daughter
Dr. Dave can help you eliminate some regrets by teaching parents how to vet and...
Free - What’s Your Family Type
Dr. Jenkins, DMin presented this to a government audience in 2012. Do you come from...
$49.00 - Take The Admiration Challenge
Improve your neuroplasticity and rewire your brain. Take this Seven-day challenge to improve your admiration...